Fresh Hatch Green Chile

Summer Has Arrived in the Valley!

Summer has Arrived in the Valley!

Hey, Chile Fanatics!

Today is the first day of summer here in the Hatch Valley! Earlier in the week, I took a drive through the valley.

I enjoyed the variety of the fields as I drove through them. In some, the plants are barely peeking through the dirt, but there is a lush beauty in others.

You may remember from last year's Chile University that farmers plant both seeds and transplants allowing a more consistent harvest. It was cool to see that in reality today as I saw fields in all different stages. 

This field was so exciting to find! I felt like a little kid finding all the eggs on Easter morning!

Gorgeous chile on the plants! The pods were so pretty!

It looks like it won't be long before this field will be ready to harvest. 

We know after seeing this, you'll want to go ahead and get your order in for the 2024 Fresh Hatch Green Chile Season!

You only have until the end of June to purchase at the pre-season price.

After the rellenos are lightly fried, they are lined onto trays. Once the rack is full of trays, they are moved to the freezer where they are flash-frozen. They are then packed into bags by the dozen. The bags are boxed into cases. Those cases are shipped to our distribution centers, where they will make their way to you!Â