Hatch Green Chile Peach BBQ

By: Taylor Graciano


- 3/4c. Hatch Green Chile roasted, peeled, & chopped

- 2 small-medium peaches diced (or you can use frozen slices for this)

- 1/2 cup of brown sugar

- 1 tsp molasses

- 2 tbsp minced garlic

- 1/4 tsp onion powder

- Salt to taste

- 2 tbsp corn starch

1/2 cup water


1. Use the blender or an immersions blender to puree the hatch and peaches and cook on a medium heat, stirring occasionally to blend flavors and prevent sticking/burning, about 15 minutes.

2. Once it starts to bubble, add the corn starch and water slurry and cook for about 2-3 more minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and let set.

NOTE: Next time I make this, I think I might sugar the peaches like you would strawberries for strawberry shortcake. I think letting them sit for a while would create a great syrup for when cooking.

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